My Place

Chapman Pictures Pty Ltd , 2022

My Place is a rich source of entertainment and education. It is one of the ultimate pieces of episodic literature and now it is on television, involving more than a century of time, lots of kids, and a tree to provide continuity.

My Place - Series 1 adapts the book, written by Nadia Wheatley and Donna Rawlins, into 13 episodes about 13 children who live in the same house over 130 years (2008-1888). Their special place is the fig tree that represents a place of belonging.

In episode 1 (2008), we meet Laura, an Indigenous girl, who through inadvertent misadventure needs to apologise to Michaelis, the landlord. Her reluctance to make this apology is paralleled by the Apology made by Kevin Rudd to the Indigenous people of Australia. The series mirrors the stories of the book but also introduces two new characters; 1988 - Lily, a Vietnamese girl whose parents were boat people and 1998 - Mohammed, an Islamic boy who is celebrating Ramadan while trying out for the local cricket team.

My Place features an extensive cast of acclaimed Australian actors, including Susie Porter, Dan Wiley and Australian screen legend Chris Haywood. The series also features 13 lead roles, and numerous supporting roles, by some of Australia’s best young talent.

The television series My Place is produced by Penny Chapman of NSW based Chapman Pictures, with the support of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), Australian Children’s Television Foundation (ACTF), New South Wales Film and Television Office (NSW FTO) and Screen Australia.



ATOM Award 2012
Winner - Best Children's Fiction Television Program

Australian Writiers Guild Award (AWGIE) 2011

Winner - Best Children's Television Script, Minna (1868)

KidScreen Awards 2012
Winner - Best Non-Animated or Mixed Series

AACTA Awards 2012
Winner - Best Children's Television Series

KidScreen Awards – Feb 2011
Winner - Best Non-Animated or Mixed Series

TV Week Logie Awards 2010
Winner of Most Outstanding Children’s Program

Banff World Television Awards 2010
Nominated for (Rockie) Award in the Children Family and Youth Category - (Ep 11) - Finalist.

ATOM Awards October 2010
Winner – Best Children’s Television Production

AFI Awards December 2010
Winner – Best Children’s Television Drama Series.

Sales and Distribution

Production Company
Chapman Pictures Pty Ltd