First Day Series 2 broadcast rights available worldwide
Both series of First Day can now be acquired for broadcast worldwide, with the Australian Children's Television Foundation securing the international distribution rights for Series 2.
Curriculum spotlight: Ethical Understanding
With the release of Version 9.0 of the Australian Curriculum, the ACTF Learning team is reflecting on the value of locally produced screen content in teaching all three dimensions of the curriculum.
Final chance to register for virtual learning events
Our two upcoming live events will build primary school students' understandings of story and character on screen.
Second series of award-winning First Day now available
A four-part sequel to the Emmy Award winning first series First Day is now available to educators via the ACTF Shop.
More Than This: Contemporary teen issues explored by teen creators
The authentic and raw six-part drama series More Than This is now available to educators via the ACTF Shop, with secondary teaching resources coming soon.
New to the shop: Mandarin language content for F-2 audiences
Children identify with the characters, settings and events in locally produced content partly because these are known and familiar. Mandarin language teachers, why not leverage this prior knowledge and introduce these Mandarin versions of Australian series to your junior classes?
NITV kids' content for primary classrooms
Teachers looking to explore and celebrate First Nations history, cultures and perspectives during Reconciliation Week will find quality children's programming on our national Indigenous channel, NITV.
What's On TV? Monday 23 May - Sunday 29 May
Never miss a moment of your favourite Australian children's television series. Visit our guide for more information about what's on free-to-air and pay TV.
Series spotlight: Winners (1985)
As part of the Australian Children's Television Foundation's 40 year anniversary celebrations, we're looking back and shining a spotlight on 12 of our most iconic programs. In this article, we look back at the ACTF's first major production, Winners.
Interview with children's author and Winners screenwriter, Morris Gleitzman
Discover how Morris Gleitzman's screenwriting for "Winners" led to his successful career as a bestselling children's author.