This week, the 2019 Kidscreen Summit launches in Miami and we couldn’t be more excited! Just like the ACTF, Kidscreen is dedicated to highlighting the importance of content made especially for children. Network executives, producers and writers – all experts in children’s content – make it their priority to present the most relevant issues and ideas on an international level. Even if you can’t make it all the way to Miami for the conference, you can keep up to date with what’s happening at Kidscreen by following their Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.
With over 2000 industry professionals gathering to examine the world of children’s television, Kidscreen 2019 boasts an exciting and insightful line-up of presentations and workshops. From boyhood to the birds and the bees, this year’s speakers will discuss a wide range of thought-provoking topics, providing a great opportunity to start conversations about the trajectory of children’s television in 2019. Inclusion, diversity, and social conscience are popular themes up for discussion this year.
With an abundance of fantastic sessions to choose from, this year’s schedule looks full of promise. Our program highlights include:
Inclusion is Expansion: Indigenous representation done right
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Conversations around representation continue to be a focus in our industry, and several prodcos are working on new series that feature Indigenous creators, stories and cast members. Join us as we bring together experts on Indigenous content and kids’ media for a discussion about better ways to showcase these often under-represented groups of people as characters not caricatures. Moderated by Libbie Doherty, Head of Children’s Content, ABC.
Using Your Powers for Good
Thursday, February 14, 2019
We are so moved by these stories of kids’ entertainment execs who are using their unique skills, connections and creativity to effect change that matters in the wider world we live in. Come and be inspired to think about how you could do the same!
What Little Boys Are Made Of
Monday, February 11, 2019
While positive female representation in kids’ content is on the rise, has the industry lost sight of the messages it’s sending boys? We’ll explore this question with a panel of producers and broadcasters looking to address the gender identity of boys and their emotional development through entertainment.
The Influence of Influencers
Monday, February 11, 2019
Drawing on proprietary research, this illuminating presentation from Insight Kids will explore the role of influencers in the decision process, which ones have the power to drive viewership and purchasing, what qualities they have in common that make them so influential, and what turns kids off in this space.
Inclusion is Expansion: Creating content that spans the spectrum
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
One in 59 children in the US are estimated to have autism, and many more are growing up under the radar. At home, in the classroom and on the playground, children encounter a rich variety of cognitive styles and experiences. But neurodiversity remains under-represented in their entertainment landscape. Through the lens of autism and discussing specific strategies for kids’ media operatives, we will explore the challenges and opportunities involved in creating linear and digital content that is “born-accessible.”
Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby: Broaching the birds and bees through entertainment
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Today’s kids are a lot more “woke” than past generations, but what they need to know about sex is also a lot more complex. And unfortunately, these themes are rarely discussed directly enough in the entertainment that’s made for them. A few producers have taken some steps in the right direction, but it’s challenging for shows like this to travel, given that every region in the world has different cultural attitudes towards sex. More work is needed, so let’s start by talking about it, people!
Modern Dads: A focus on fatherhood
Monday, February 11, 2019
Growing up in an ever-changing and challenging world, the one constant for today’s kids is family—although what that means continues to evolve. Attitudes about gender have loosened up—relieving moms and dads alike of the weight of many old stereotypes. Within this context, fatherhood has taken on new meaning in recent years, and dads are playing a far more active role in their children’s lives. This new study from Viacom (parent company of Nickelodeon) will explore this shift in family dynamics and what it means for kids’ media players.
Defined by Change: Public broadcasting speeds up to keep up
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
This high-powered panel brings together top-level leaders in public broadcasting for children to discuss the challenges of keeping up with the fastest-changing audience in television, in one of the fastest-changing media landscapes we’ve ever seen, from a position that’s defined by slow-changing public mandate requirements. It’s a tricky pitch to hit, let alone hit out of the park. Come and find out how the best players in the game are doing it better than ever.
Death of Reboots? Exploring the future of nostalgia in a fractured media reality
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
The rise of SVODs may provide more options to producers looking to find homes for their content, but it has also broken up the kids’ media landscape even more, leading to fewer kids on average watching any given show. So, while reboots are a hot ticket right now, as today’s kids grow up, they may not be able to muster a compelling enough collective voice to call for their favourite shows to be brought back. In this session, we’ll take a closer look at the shifting dynamics that may threaten the future of reboots.