Back Catalogue Business
Sep 27, 2016
Back Catalogue Business

Proving that shows of a certain vintage still have a life well after their production date, the ACTF has recently seen two of its back catalogue shows licensed in Germany and New Zealand.

German DVD/VOD company Pidax Film Media GmbH have recently licensed the ACTF’s live-action fantasy/adventure series Spellbinder (Series 1 & 2). Broadcast on German television in the mid to late 1990’s Spellbinder (Series 1) and Spellbinder: Land Of The Dragon Lord (Series 2), Spellbinder has had a large following ever since. The series tells the story of a group of teenagers who when on a school camp in the Blue Mountains in Australia, accidentally end up in a parallel universe. This other world is inhabited by a more hierarchic and technologically different society, ruled by a group of people known as Spellbinders. Pidax Film Media GmbH will make both series available on DVD in Germany as well as via VOD and DTO platforms.

Meanwhile New Zealand SVOD platform Lightbox has recently licensed the endearing and timeless live-action comedy series Worst Best Friends. Celebrating the absurdities of childhood, Worst Best Friends charts Roger Thesaurus’ course through the minefield of playground politics and family issues. Subscribers to Lightboxwill soon be able to enjoy this charming and funny series for the first time.

See also:

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