Every year on 26 May, Australians acknowledge the mistreatment of Aboriginal people, particularly those belonging to the Stolen Generations and their families. In the My Place episode ‘Laura’, one girl reflects on how policies of forced child removal affected her own family members.
Set in 2008, the Series 1 My Place episode ‘Laura’ shows Laura’s family gathering together to hear Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s apology to the Stolen Generations on behalf of the Australian Federal Government. Afterwards, Laura learns that Aunty Bev doesn’t remember her own mother because she was so young when she was taken away.
The My Place for Teachers website is an excellent resource for teachers wanting to acknowledge the Stolen Generations on this National Sorry Day (26 May 2019). The site features a key clip taken from this emotional episode. It also includes English and History learning tasks aimed at developing students’ awareness of the removal of Indigenous children from their families, and the continuing impact this has on people today.