Our two upcoming live events will build primary school students’ understandings of story and character on screen.
Character, story and animated worlds in L’il Elvis Jones and the Truckstoppers
In this free webinar presented by the ACTF and Bendigo Art Gallery, students will discover the importance of building story, characters and worlds when creating an animated television show. We will go behind-the-scenes of the show’s development and see original illustrations and animation cells and speak to Li’l Elvis Jones and the Truckstoppers’ creator Peter Viska.
Session details
Date: Wednesday, 15 June 2022
Times: 2pm (AEST), 12pm (AWST), 1:30pm (ACST), 12:45pm (ACWST)
Duration: 45 min
Year levels: 4 - 6
Register here.
Light and colour: The power to create and influence mood
During this free ACTF x ACMI virtual workshop, students discover the importance of light and colour from animated episodes that brighten our world! Foundation- Year 2 students will learn that light and colour are storytelling tools, and consider the decisions behind happy, scary, funny, and sad moments on screen. Drawing and kinetic pose activities in the workshop will bring students along as active participants.
Session Details
Date: Friday, 17 June 2022
Times: 12pm (AEST), 10am (AWST), 10:30am (ACWST), 11:30am (ACST)
Duration: 30 minutes
Year levels: F-2
Register here.