Making the Most of ACTF Content in FUSE:
In partnership with the Victorian Department of Education and Training the ACTF will be running free full-day professional learning workshops for DET primary and secondary teachers in Term Three.
Through the DET FUSE portal Victorian government teachers and students now have access to some of the best Australian-made children’s television and curriculum resources developed by the Australian Children’s Television Foundation.
In a series of full-day workshops in Term Three the ACTF Education Team, in partnership with the Victorian Department of Education and Training, will walk primary and secondary DET teachers through how the ACTF content in FUSE can be effectively used across the Years F-12.
Content, resources and tools for Little Lunch, Mustangs FC, Lah-Lah’s Adventures – Music for Everyone, Woven Threads and MY:24 will be covered. Teachers will explore how the ACTF content, curriculum resources and tools they have access to via FUSE could be used in the classroom and develop practical ideas to take back to their colleagues.
ACTF DET Primary Teacher Professional Learning Workshop Details:
Dates: Friday, September 7 or Thursday, September 13
Venue: Australian Children’s Television Foundation
3rd Floor, 145 Smith St, Fitzroy 3065
Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Facilitators: Peter Maggs and Janine Kelly
Audience: Curriculum coordinators, general classroom teachers
Register: Sept 7 Primary Workshop or Sept 13 Primary Workshop
Eligibility: Victorian DET teachers (Limit of 2 teachers per school per workshop)
Cost: Free
Victorian Curriculum Areas Covered: Civics and Citizenship, Critical and Creative Thinking, Drama, English, Ethical Capability, Health and Physical Education, Media Arts, Music, Personal and Social Capability
ACTF DET Secondary Teacher Professional Learning Workshop Details
Dates: Friday, September 14
Venue: Australian Children’s Television Foundation
3rd Floor, 145 Smith St, Fitzroy 3065
Time: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Facilitators: Peter Maggs and Janine Kelly
Audience: Curriculum coordinators, general classroom teachers
Register: Sept 14 Secondary Workshop (Eventbrite link)
Eligibility: Victorian DET teachers (Limit of 2 teachers per school per workshop)
Victorian Curriculum Areas Covered: Civics and Citizenship, Critical and Creative Thinking, Drama, English, Ethical Capability, Health and Physical Education, Media Arts, Personal and Social Capability
If you need further details email: