The 2021-22 financial year was a bumper year for the ACTF. More than $6.6 million was spent on production investment, with future commitments of $1.57 million made but not yet spent. This will lead to a total production spend of $8,202,659 once those commitments are paid.
More than $1 million was spent on script development investment, spread over 25 different projects.
In addition, the ACTF has committed funds towards exciting initiatives with streaming services Stan and Netflix. Those projects are anticipated to be announced in the 2022-23 financial year.
During the year, seven ACTF supported programs premiered on Australian screens and five ACTF supported programs went into production. Two further programs were financed.
The 2021-22 financial year was a record one for the ACTF’s international distribution arm, with nearly $5 million in sales generated across the catalogue. MaveriX, Hardball (Series 2) and First Day (Series 1 and 2) contributed heavily to the strong performance.
In the education space, the expanded ACTF Learning team created 11 educational resources and produced five online learning events this year. As a result, teachers can readily use ACTF supported programs such as Hardball, Kangaroo Beach and The PM’s Daughter in classrooms.
And finally, 2021-22 saw the publication of the first report out of the ACTF’s collaboration with the Australian Children’s Television Cultures research group at Swinburne University, titled Parents’ Perspectives on Australian Children’s Television in the Streaming Era.
You can access the full 2021-22 annual report here.