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MONDAY: WAC (World Animal Championships), 8.32AM on ABC ME
Episode 16
Ambo, Scotty and Sir Reg rattle their grey matter into check and loosen up their neurons, to go in search of the biggest animal brain boxes on our planet.
Also catch: Hoopla Doopla!, 1.32PM on ABC2; Bushwhacked! – Series 1, 3.54PM on NITV and Little Lunch, 5.00PM on ABC ME.
TUESDAY: Hoopla Doopla!, 1.32PM on ABC2
Episode 46
Best Friends Day
Zap and Bop are best friends, and decide to celebrate and with a special day - but, Best Friends Day does not go as well as expected.
Also catch: WAC (World Animal Championships), 8.32PM on ABC ME; Bushwhacked! – Series 1, 3.54PM on NITV and Little Lunch, 5.00PM on ABC ME.
WEDNESDAY: Bushwhacked! – Series 1, 3.54PM on NITV
Episode 1
Tasmanian Devil – Cradle Mountain, Tasmania
Deep in the wilds of Cradle Mountain National Park lurks the notorious Tasmanian Devil. With the help of a local ‘Devil Whisperer’, Kayne and Brandon track down a den inhabited by a feisty Devil family to complete their mission of giving one of Australia’s most cantankerous animals a kiss! They also explore the area on quad bikes, and Brandon tempts Kayne with some local bush tucker specialties.
Also catch: WAC (World Animal Championships), 8.32AM on ABC ME; Hoopla Doopla! 1.32PM on ABC2 and Little Lunch, 5.00PM on ABC ME.
THURSDAY: Little Lunch, 5.00PM on ABC ME

Episode 16
The Pavlova
For the birthday party of Max and Elsa, the weird twins, Mrs Gonsha makes a pavlova, which looks delicious, but is the most disgusting thing that the children have ever eaten.
Also catch: WAC (World Animal Championships), 8.32AM on ABC ME; Hoopla Doopla!, 1.32PM on ABC2 and Bushwhacked! – Series 1, 3.54PM on NITV.
FRIDAY: Woven Threads on ABC iView
Through beautiful and powerful animations, Woven Threads presents the varied and moving stories of refugees. The colourful and intricate tapestry of Woven Threads reminds us that regardless of creed or colour, we all belong to the same human family.
Also catch: WAC (World Animal Championships), 8.32AM on ABC ME; Hoopla Doopla!, 1.32PM on ABC2; Bushwhacked! – Series 1, 3.54PM on NITV and Little Lunch, 5.01PM on ABC ME.
SATURDAY: Nowhere Boys – Series 2, 9.52PM on ABC ME

Episode 1
Felix, Andy, Jake and Sam have returned home, much to the relief of their families and friends. But still the universe seems out of balance - an ominous storm is brewing.
Also catch: Little Lunch, 5.01PM on ABC ME.
SUNDAY: The Inbestigators (Double Episode), 9.28AM & 9.45AM on ABC ME

Episode 15
The Case of the Perplexing Painting
When Esther’s painting is damaged during the Art Show, Maudie has trouble proving who ruined the artwork without finding the evidence first.
Episode 16
The Case of the Turtle Thief
When a turtle is stolen from Ryan’s back yard, Ezra offers the agency’s services but Maudie is convinced something about the robbery doesn’t add up.
Also catch: Little Lunch, 5.01PM on ABC ME and Nowhere Boys – Series 2, 9.52PM on ABC ME.