Interview with Australian comedy legend, Mark Mitchell

Mark Mitchell is an Australian cultural icon and a significant figure in the 40-year history of the ACTF, having starred in Lift Off!, Round the Twist and The Genie from Down Under. We spoke to Mark about his time on these iconic shows and how he became one of Australia's best known comedic personalities.

Adventure awaits as Built to Survive premieres on the ABC

The exciting new factual series Built to Survive will premiere on ABC ME and iview next Monday, 4 July.

Record export sales of Australian children's television shows in 2021-22

Australian children's television series represented by the ACTF are reaching audiences all over the world, following an exceptional sales year for the international distribution team.

Series spotlight: Li'l Elvis Jones and the Truckstoppers

Decades before Bluey, an ambitious cartoon series featured Australian accents and humour, with an Aboriginal character front and centre — but Li'l Elvis and the Truckstoppers almost didn't get made.

Curriculum Spotlight: Intercultural Understanding

With the release of Version 9.0 of the Australian Curriculum, the ACTF Learning team is reflecting on the value of locally produced screen content in teaching all three dimensions of the curriculum. In this issue, we look at the general capability of Intercultural Understanding.

Second series of 100% Wolf in production

Production is under way on a second season of the hit animated series 100% Wolf, with much of the work being completed in Australia as Flying Bark Productions expands its operations, employing additional artists and investing in upskilling staff.

New episodes of The Deep to premiere on the ABC this week

A fourth season of the global hit animation series The Deep will premiere to Australian audiences this Friday, 24 June on ABC ME and iview.

Classroom resources for 2022 Refugee Week

Teachers, are your students currently learning about the experiences of refugees and asylum seekers? Explore our resources for upper primary and secondary classrooms.

A character to represent Every Child

Whether or not you're familiar with Lift Off!, there's one face – or lack thereof – that most Australian children of the nineties will recognise. In this article, we explain the philosophy behind EC and debunk the myth that children were terrified of the gentle puppet, who was beloved by the children of Lift Off! both on and off screen.

Series spotlight: Lift Off!

It's been 30 years since Lift Off! first aired, but three decades on it remains one of Australia's most iconic children's programs. In this article, we look back at what made this series so successful at the time, and why it still holds a special place in the hearts and memories of those who grew up watching it.