Our Top 5 Education Resources
Our latest numbers are in, showing the five most viewed ACTF support materials during Term Two. Could these popular teaching resources be used in your classroom next term?
Teaching Year 7-10 Media Arts? Download The Unlisted Teaching Toolkit
Our latest education resource supports secondary teachers in exploring the award-winning children's drama series, The Unlisted. It is a perfect inclusion for units on representations of people, culture and society, personal and social identity, diversity, family and abuse of power.
Final Call: My Place Competition Closes This Week
The 2020 My Place Competition is drawing to an end, with entries closing on Friday 26 June.
Supporting Australian Screen Stories For Children – deadline for making a submission extended to 3rd July
The Commonwealth Government is seeking community and industry feedback on options to support Australian screen stories in a modern, multi-platform environment. The deadline for making a submission has been extended until the 3rd of July, so now there is no excuse for not making your voice heard!
Hardball Wins BANFF Rockie Award
Australian comedy/drama Hardball has taken home the 2020 BANFF World Media Festival Rockie Award in the ‘Children and Youth: Fiction' category.
What's On TV? Monday 15 June – Sunday 21 June
Never miss a moment of your favourite Australian children's television series. See what's on free-to-air and pay TV this week.
ACTF Funds Development of Five New Projects
The second of the ACTF's monthly development rounds saw five new projects receive development funds.
The Unlisted Wins Youth Jury Prize at Prix Jeunesse
The Unlisted has won the International Youth Jury Prize in the 11-15 Fiction category at Prix Jeunesse, and has also placed as runner up in the same category judged by the professional jury.
Hardball Scores Top Prize at Prix Jeunesse
Hardball has won the top prize in the 7-10 Fiction Category at Prix Jeunesse! With a healthy number of awards and nominations already attributed to the series, the win at Prix Jeunesse seals Hardball's reputation as a series full of heart that strikes a chord with audiences all over the world.
My Place Competition: Updates on Judging, Prizes and Support Materials
The My Place Competition is underway, with children all over the country submitting creative writing pieces set in their own neighbourhoods. The latest competition news includes new teaching resources, new prizes, and a very special guest judge!