ACTF CEO to Address 2019 ALEA National Conference

The ACTF has a longstanding relationship with the Australian Literacy Educators' Association (ALEA), and we are proud to be partnering with the organisation for this year's National ALEA Conference, which will be held in Melbourne from 9 – 12 July.

Teaching Resources for Refugee Week

Teachers, are your students currently investigating the lives of refugees and asylum seekers? The ACTF has a range of engaging educational content and support materials related to Refugee Week and World Refugee Day.

Announcing the 2019 My Place Competition

Who could live in the My Place house in 2019? Your students can share their imaginative thoughts in this year's short story contest for primary students in Years 3-6.

The ACTF's #SleepAtTheG Team Raises $10,000 for Homeless Youth

Thanks to the kind support of our donors, the ACTF's #SleepAtTheG team has exceeded its $10,000 target to help end youth homelessness in Victoria.

Ian Booth and Dr. Michael Carr-Gregg Join ACTF Board

Ian Booth and Dr. Michael Carr-Gregg have been appointed by the Minister for Communications and the Arts, Mitch Fifield, as Commonwealth representatives to the Australian Children's Television Foundation (ACTF) Board for three-year terms.

What's On TV? Monday 20 May – Sunday 26 May

Never miss a moment of your favourite Australian children's television series. See what's on free-to-air and pay TV this week.

Little J's 'Nanna' Announced as SNAICC's Children's Day Ambassador

Popular Little J and Big Cuz character, Nanna has been announced as the 2019 ambassador for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander National Children's Day on August 4.

Woven Threads Accepted in Asia's ShortShorts Film Festival

An episode of animated refugee series, Woven Threads has been accepted in ShortShorts Film Festival's “Ladies for Cinema” program.

New Release: Summer's Day Teaching Toolkit

Summer's Day is a warm coming-of-age story which follows 11-year old Summer as she gets her period for the first time. Our latest education resource supports Years 5-8 teachers in using this locally-produced short film in their classrooms.

Commemorate National Sorry Day with My Place

Every year on 26 May, Australians acknowledge the mistreatment of Aboriginal people, particularly those belonging to the Stolen Generations and their families. In the My Place episode 'Laura', one girl reflects on how policies of forced child removal affected her own family members.