ACTF Sleeping Rough for Youth Homelessness

The ACTF will participate in the Melbourne City Mission's Sleep at the 'G event this May to support the 6,000 young Victorians experiencing homelessness each night.

What's On TV? Monday 11 March – Sunday 17 March

Never miss a moment of your favourite Australian children's television series. See what's on free-to-air and pay TV this week.

Resources for National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence

On Friday 15 March 2019, schools across Australia will take part in the ninth National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. The ACTF has a range of engaging content that is perfect for starting classroom conversations about the impact of bullying.

Creating Picture Story Books with My Place

The Education Team recently visited the school that won the Year 5/6 Category of the 2018 My Place Story Writing Competition and learnt how they integrated the competition into their Year 6 Picture Story Book Unit.

First Day Webinar: Meet Director Julie Kalceff and Actress Evie Macdonald

Our free upcoming webinar gives students the opportunity to meet Julie Kalceff, writer and director of the award-winning short film First Day (2017), and actress Evie Macdonald, who plays the lead role of Hannah.

What's On TV? Monday 25 February – Sunday 3 March

Never miss a moment of your favourite Australian children's television series. See what's on free-to-air and pay TV this week.

Woven Threads Wins Impact DOCS Award

Animated series, Woven Threads has won an Award of Excellence at the 2019 Impact DOCS Awards.

ACTF Virtual Learning Event: First Day Webinar

Registrations are now open for the First Day Q&A Webinar On Thursday 28 March. Places are limited for this event – get in touch to learn more.

Rose Park PS – Using Mustangs FC in the Classroom

The ACTF Education Team recently spent a day with Year 6 teacher Karsan Hutchinson and his students at Rose Park Primary School in Adelaide seeing how they integrated Mustangs FC into a 7-week inquiry unit exploring persuasion in the media.

9 Kidscreen Sessions You Don't Want to Miss

The 2019 Kidscreen Summit launches in Miami this week. With an abundance of thought-provoking sessions to choose from, here are our top picks.