New Release: Rocky & Me Teaching Toolkit
Nov 09, 2020
New Release: Rocky & Me Teaching Toolkit

Rocky & Me follows the story of Stella, an 11-year old girl living with cerebral palsy. When Stella gets her first wheelchair, she also gains freedom and independence. Year 5 and 6 teachers, examine the film’s themes with our free curriculum-mapped resource.

Rocky & Me was one of three short children’s films commissioned to premiere in the DisRupted series on the 2019 International Day of People with Disability. The ACTF is pleased to launch the Rocky & Me Teaching Toolkit ahead of the 2020 International Day of People with Disability (3 December) to help start classroom conversations about disability, inclusion and diverse media representation.


Portrayals of both positive and negative relationships in the film are also a great springboard to discuss respectful relationships. When Stella gets her first wheelchair – and along with it, her confidence – her friends have different reactions. Stella’s best friend Josipa becomes jealous and acts out, but her neighbour Dylan is more supportive. Learning tasks in the resource will help students reflect on what it means to be a good friend, and strategies for managing conflict. Further tasks relate to puberty, and health and wellbeing.

Tasks in this free resource are mapped to the Australian Curriculum, with links made to English, Health and Physical Education, Critical and Creative Thinking, and Personal and Social Capability. Download the Rocky & Me Teaching Toolkit here, and find the film on ABC iview or in the ACTF Shop.

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