ACTF Virtual Learning Event: First Day Webinar
Feb 13, 2019
ACTF Virtual Learning Event: First Day Webinar

Teachers, have you used the wonderful First Day (2017) short film or our First Day Teaching Toolkit this term? Our upcoming free webinar gives your students the opportunity to discuss the film and its themes with First Day writer and director Julie Kalceff, and lead actress Evie MacDonald. 

First Day (2017) follows main character Hannah as she finishes primary school and begins her secondary schooling. Hannah experiences all the excitement and fear associated with this transition, but her first day of high school is even more significant: it’s the first day she will wear a girl’s uniform to school and go by her chosen name, rather than the boy’s name she was given at birth. 

On Thursday 28 March at 12:00pm AEDT, upper primary and secondary students from around Australia are invited to participate in our live Q&A session with First Day writer and director Julie Kalceff, and Evie MacDonald, who plays the lead role of Hannah. In this unique virtual learning event, participants can ask Evie and Julie their own questions about the award-winning short film. The webinar will provide an engaging experience for students learning about:

  • Diverse media representation
  • Respectful relationships
  • Writing, directing and acting
  • The film’s themes of transition, diversity, identity, resilience and inclusivity.

Interested teachers are encouraged to download the free First Day Teaching Toolkit for further information about this important film and its relevance to the classroom. Places are limited for this event – register now or get in touch to learn more.

First Day Webinar Details 
Date: Thursday, 28 March 2019
Time: 12.00pm – 12.45pm (AEDT)
Year levels: Years 5 – 9
Cost: Free

Register Now

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