New Release: Hardball Series 2 Teaching Toolkit
Do your year 3-6 students love Hardball? Download our new education resource for learning tasks that address all Media Arts content descriptors with this popular comedy series.
First Day Q&A Webinar: Storytelling on Screen
Meet lead actor Evie Macdonald, producer Kirsty Stark and writer / director Julie Kalceff from the award-winning series First Day in this free ACMI x ACTF event.
What's On TV? Monday 25 October - Sunday 31 October
Never miss a moment of your favourite Australian children's television series. Visit our guide for more information about what's on free-to-air and pay TV.
Exciting new adventure series in production
Production has begun on an exciting new factual series to be aired on the ABC and distributed worldwide by the Australian Children's Television Foundation (ACTF).
First Day celebrates Emmy win
The ground-breaking children's drama series First Day, supported by the Australian Children's Television Foundation (ACTF), has won an International Kids Emmy Award.
What's On TV? Monday 18 October – Sunday 24 October
Never miss a moment of your favourite Australian children's television series. Visit our guide for more information about what's on free-to-air and pay TV.
Discover First Day… in French!
A French language version of Emmy-nominated series, First Day, is now available in Australia exclusively through the ACTF Shop.
Judging commences for the 2021 My Place competition
Presented in partnership between ABC Education and the ACTF, this year's My Place Competition received almost 900 entries from young writers across the country.
Coming Soon: Hardball Series 2 Teaching Toolkit
Our forthcoming education resource will support Year 3-6 teachers and students in addressing all content descriptors the Media Arts curriculum
Meet Hardball cast and creators in our student webinar
In a free ACMI Education x ACTF event for Media Literacy Week, primary students will meet the creators and cast of Hardball Series 2 and gain insight into children's television production.