ACTF announces $3.19 million in production funding
The ACTF has committed $3.19 million in production funding for the 2021/22 financial year to date. With combined total production budgets of $45 million, the mix of series supported so far includes animation, live action drama and factual content.
What's On TV? Monday 23 August - Sunday 29 August
Never miss a moment of your favourite Australian childrens television series. See whats on free-to-air and pay TV this week.
The ACTF and Swinburne University of Technology want to hear from you
The ACTF has teamed up with the Australian Childrens Television Cultures research group based at Swinburne on a four-year project designed to better understand the role of Australian childrens television and other audio-visual entertainment in peoples lives, and we want to hear from you.
First Nations Platform Launch with NEO-Learning
Teachers are invited to join NEO-Learning for the release of their highly anticipated First Nations digital arts education platform on 26 August.
ACTF Resources for CBCA Book Week
Explore ACTF resources celebrating CBCA Book Week featuring Australian authors and TV series based on books. Click for more.
DisRupted Films for the Classroom
From 24 August 5 September, students across the country will be cheering on local athletes in the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games. For fictional Australian stories of children with disability achieving in sport, see the following two titles from the DisRupted series of short films.
Blast Off! New Space Nova Episodes On ABC Me
Teachers, here is something for the young astrophiles in your class: new Space Nova episodes have launched on ABC Me and iview.
2021 My Place Competition: Entries Now Open!
This years My Place Competition is underway, with children all over the country submitting creative writing pieces that explore the history of their own communities.
What's On TV ? Monday 16 August - Sunday 22 August
Never miss a moment of your favourite Australian childrens television series. See whats on free-to-air and pay TV this week.
Barrumbi Kids in Production
Barrumbi Kids has commenced production in and around the Beswick community on Wugularr country, Northern Territory, with producers Monica OBrien of Ambience Entertainment, Danielle MacLean of Tamarind Tree Productions and Julia Morris at the helm.