Presented by the ACTF, Reading Australia and ABC Education, the 2022 My Place Competition asked Year 1-8 students to write about change and continuity in their own communities. After careful consideration, our team of judges has selected this year’s winners.
Both the My Place picture book (by Nadia Wheatley and Donna Rawlins) and television series adaptation are classic texts in primary classrooms. With almost 900 entries received in the 2022 My Place Competition, the chance for students to write about ‘their place’ for an authentic audience and purpose clearly resonated with educators this year. The following students were awarded prizes and their winning entries are now available to read on the ACTF website.
1st Prize – Bonnie, Hollywood Primary School (WA)
2nd Prize – Tayen, Hollywood Primary School (WA)
Equal 3rd Prize – Jasmine, Hollywood Primary School (WA)
Equal 3rd Prize – Sonny, Hollywood Primary School (WA)
1st Prize – Isabelle, Casey Grammar School (VIC)
2nd Prize – Beatrice, Patrick Road State School (QLD)
3rd Prize – Oliver, South Yarra Primary School (VIC)
Highly Commended – Adelaide, Moree Christian School (NSW)
1st Prize – Lakshi, Pymble Ladies College (NSW)
2nd Prize – Frankie, Kahibah Public School (NSW)
3rd Prize – Hesna, Pascoe Vale Primary School (VIC)
Highly Commended – Adeline, Lutheran Ormeau Rivers District School (QLD)
Highly Commended – Adeline, Pymble Ladies College (NSW)
1st Prize – Jimmy, Maida Vale Primary School (WA)
2nd Prize – Shriya, Pascoe Vale Primary School (VIC)
3rd Prize – Eleanor, The Friend’s School (TAS)
Highly Commended – Vaggelis, Middle Ridge State School (QLD)
Highly Commended – Tien Ern, Townsville Grammar School (QLD)
1st Prize – Zamina, Albert Park College (VIC)
2nd Prize – Noah, Trinity Anglican School (QLD)
3rd Prize – Max, The Hutchins School (TAS)
Highly Commended – Bharathi, Brisbane Grammar School (QLD)
Highly Commended – Joy, Kalamunda Senior High School (WA)
Congratulations to all winning and commended students for their outstanding work. They will soon receive prizes including Walker Books packs, signed copies of My Place and ACTF Shop vouchers.
Congratulations also to the hundreds of students who did not place in the competition but who took the time to craft entries about the places that are special to them. In reflecting on the judging process, author and literacy consultant Lisa Keskinen addressed all participating students:
“Thank you, 2022 My Place Competition entrants. I wish to encourage you all to keep writing, to continue sharing your stories, poems and original ideas. Your entries engaged my curiosity. They moved me. Your words made me laugh, cry and wonder. They connected me to you, and your places. From Mt Gambier to Manly, from Brisbane to Battery Point, to meandering with your family along the creek at Gooseberry Hill, your writing immersed me in your worlds. Your dedication to place, to your surroundings, and to each other, through shared histories, poured powerfully onto the page.
Every shortlisted piece was a potential winner. In selecting our winners, we were guided by the My Place Competition Rubrics, but also by instinct; by those mysterious elements that take hold of you and compel you to return to a piece and read it again. Thank you, for your authentic voices.”
In acknowledging students’ work, we must also recognise the teachers who encouraged and supported each participant in their writing. As always, schools approached the competition in diverse ways most suited to their own contexts and learners. Some teachers developed literacy or inquiry units based on the competition, others incorporated writing into homework tasks, and some schools included the competition in academic extension programs.
In Victoria, Acting Assistant Principal Meredith Lamb facilitated optional lunchtime writing sessions for Pascoe Vale Primary School students. Many of the school’s participating students spent lunchtimes working on their submissions, with two students going on to win prizes.
Reflecting on the school’s involvement, Meredith told the ACTF: “I just want to tell you how much fun the students had participating in this. This is the first time our school has ever had students in a competition so it’s very exciting to have two students place.”
Four students from Hollywood Primary School in Western Australia were awarded prizes in the competition. Hollywood teacher Siti Kim also shared her students’ excitement following the winners’ announcement.
“If I could bottle up how much taller they grew with pride and excitement at the news, I would. Thank you for making this difference to their learning,” said Siti.
In wrapping up the 2022 My Place Competition, the ACTF, Reading Australia and ABC Education would like to thank all participating students, their teachers and their families. We also extend our thanks to My Place author Nadia Wheatley, prize sponsor Walker Books and to our judging team. You all contributed to the competition’s success, encouraging student voice, agency and the telling of Australian stories.